REPORT: MGŁA, Martwa Aura & Above Aurora, Močvara, Zagreb, 6.9.2019.

After seeing Mgła at Brutal Assault 2016 and after growing from “I like em” to “I fucking love them” status this has been the concert that has been awaited with greatest impatience and surely will stay remembered as one of the best live performances this year and certainly the best concert in Zagreb this year. It was certainly great seeing them at a small club atmosphere as the transfer of the atmosphere and the message their music holds is far more successful that seen on large stages such as those on Metal Festivals. The interaction and feedback with the audience is far more successful and their fans can be sure they’ll be fully satisfied and we are sure that Mgła turned some of the admirers into fans this evening.
The concert was completely sold out, causing panic among numerous fans who didn’t have a chance to buy the tickets on time. The atmosphere at the concert venue was incredibly positive and filled with vibrant expectation of the Polish Black Metal legends.
Two Polish bands played before the main act: Above Aurora and Martwa Aura. Honestly, the majority of the audience were not so much interested as the main focus of the evening was on expectation of Mgła. But both bands were followed by significant number of listeners and it was a really nice introduction and foreplay to the main spectacle of the evening. I was a bit more impressed by Above Aurora, as their concept was coherent and they sounded very good live.
As Mgła entered the stage for the first time the excitement was visible and tangible. They treated the fans by showing themselves unmasked for the sound check couple of minutes before the concert.
The concert was opened with Exercises in Futility I and that instantly caused ecstasy in the audience in the crowded venue. It was amazing to witness, experience, enjoy and soak on the atmosphere of one of the biggest and greatest bands Black Metal has to offer. To put it shorty: it was orgasmic!
The setlist was amazing as it included five tracks from their masterpiece Exercises in Futility album (those named I, II, IV, V and VI), two songs from Age of Excuse, Mdłości II and the best track from the same-titled album: With Hearts Toward None VII. Mgła is one of the rare bands that offers unique and perfect combination of innovative and creative music riffs, lyrics, atmosphere and impact that leaves none indifferent. Those who get dragged into their empire find an incredible mixture of masterpieces that speak directly to your soul and offer comfort no human could ever achieve and maybe never will.
A funny thing happened after the gig: I observed some of the photos and videos and noticed “the strange” side effects of a Mgła live performance to the audience: on some faces it was visible that they are going through ecstasy, some have reached Nirvana form the very first few riffs, some were high on adrenaline and/or oxytocin and some had pure Musicgasms. It truly was orgasmic Black Metal experience!
So, if you have missed the event of the year- shame on you and be sure to follow the future gigs of the band and be ready to travel as far as it takes to see them if necessary.