„Some men were born for the war!“

Canadian Panzerfaust have returned to Zagreb after four years, as part of the European “WORLDS BEYOND ALL RECKONING” tour and were joined as co-headliners by their Danish black metal brothers Afsky. One of the official pages of Panzerfaust states:

Panzerfaust is the boot stamping on a human face forever.

Last night we learned why; and the above statement stands true as the concert started as a fist to your face and continued with the same pace without any mercy. Very convenient when we take into consideration that The Panzerfaust means: “armor/tank fist” and was an inexpensive, recoilless German anti-tank weapon of World War II.

Panzerfaust like to call themselves black metal fundamentalists. They have released a total of five albums and were formed 18 years ago. Long time ago the band reached full maturity and last night their performance was perfect and all we hoped for.

Magnificent, dark and magical evening this was. Though all these brutally heavy sounds only extreme happiness and peacefulness of knowing I’m exactly at the only place I want to be at busted my overwhelming sense of extreme joy and contentment.

I also managed to fall in love! After thinking I was dead inside completely and have been frozen inside for some years now, I fell in love with PANZERFAUST! I knew their opus from before, but this magical evening assured me they do deserve to stand far in front of the crowd of all other bands I love and deserve a special place that every single new love gets. Hopefully this love will last forever as I’m already looking forward to new songs and band accomplishments.

„There is no rest in our world…
Some men were born for the war“
– PANZERFAUST “The Far Bank at the River Styx” 

The absolute climax of the concert was the performance of the song “The Far Bank at the River Styx”, a beautiful, dark and soul wrenching masterpiece! There is something deeply reassuring and comforting in the atmosphere and the lyrics that state: “Some men were born for the war“. Yes, indeed; it took me decades to stop resisting all the darkness and troubles this world is causing to the point of making life unbearable at some instances. Only when you stop asking questions “Why?” and “Why me?” and when you embrace all that was and all that is about to happen- you win at life. Only then you know life is a state of constant war and none of us gets exactly what we deserve, all the love all the hope can vanish, but only one thing must remain forever strong: the decision to always fight, never give up and gain satisfaction in the fact that all the horrific life traumas made us warriors and strong, stronger than we ever thought it was humanly possible.

As you gather from all this, PANZERFAUST gave an extraordinary concert and succeeded in the ultimate task: making new fans out of former admirers. So, the mission accomplished! Concert was a complete success.

AFSKY performed after Panzerfaust and were a very pleasant surprise as the band that was gathered did a very good job. Afsky is the independent musical project of the Dane Ole Luka (also known as Heltekvad). Afsky was not created with the intention of being a live performance project, but more of a personal Ole’s project, but only later the decision was made to gather other musicians for live performances. Afsky has released three albums so far and all are worth your attention as my former mistrust on solo-projects has been permanently destroyed by these magnificent albums from Afsky. There is something magical about solo projects from strong individuals that hold all the strings and manage to create an atmosphere that isn’t monotonous or repetitive. I’m becoming even more amazed after learning a specific song I like was created by only one person.

Afsky started his journey in 2015 and so far, the themes of songs revolve around: death, despair, Danish history and similar others. Hopefully, many more years of career are in front of Afsky, a bend certainly worth seeing live!


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